May 2015

Waroona crime alert 4/2015

The police are asking all of us to keep a lookout for a car stolen in Waroona. For more details go to:

Weeds and pests

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Cotton bush is still a problem. Cotton bush is classed as a C3 pest by the Dept of Agriculture and Food (DAFWA). If you have more »

Wildflower walks

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Conducted wildflower walks are proposed in spring at Island Point, Lake Clifton bush and Yalgorup National Park if there is sufficient interest. These will probably more »

Landcare revegetation

Our revegetion projects along the fringes of Lake Clifton are going exceptionally well. We have killed the paspalum that was choking out all of the more »

Tourism development

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LCHPSA is working on a project in conjunction with the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) and the Department of Sport and Recreation to develop more »

Police report April 2015

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There is also a new e-Watch report from Waroona Police. The link did not work last month – hope it is OK now.

Don Randall E-NEWS

Our Federal Member, Don Randall MP, has written another e-new letter. You can view it in your browser at