Newsletter replaced by Internet


For many reasons, the January issue of our local newsletter will be the last. The newsletter has been produced continuously for well over 20 years but it has gradually been replaced by our web site and Facebook group and these have received much more interaction from residents than the newsletter.

Advancing years of those very few people who write, print and deliver the newsletter has also contributed to the decision to close it down. We did attract one new delivery person but the majority of the others are simply not able to continue. And of course this is not the only casualty of the digital era. Many much larger newspapers have closed in favour of an on line presence so we are really just following a well established trend.

In our previous issue we told you that the Association’s name was changing to Lake Clifton Herron Residents Association and this has now been formalised. The Association is alive and well and continuing to work for you (see the articles about Southern Estuary Drive and the Lime Kiln). We need new members because the same older people who have run out of energy to deliver newsletters are the same people who have served on the committee for many years and really need to pass it on to younger folk. Members also receive copies of meeting minutes!! A membership application is available on line or by contacting Jenny or Graeme – please give it serious consideration.

So in future please go to or our Facebook group Lake Clifton Herron. You can register on either or both of these sites so that you don’t miss any information and you can join the conversation. News items will be published as they occur, not bi-monthly like this newsletter which is another advantage of social media. We will also write any urgent info on the notice boards around the district.

Thank you to those very dedicated people who have delivered newsletters over the years.

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